From Elder Bailey December 8th, 2014
So this week was very interesting-- very, very, interesting. On Monday we were playing soccer and some
guy tried to fight my companion. My
companion got a black eye. Then on
Tuesday, we taught one of the most powerful and spiritual lessons of my
entire mission in the rain. I promised
this 16 year old kid named Josh (who just
showed up to church one day and was just curious about the church) that if
he went home and read the Book of Mormon he would find his answer. Then the next day we got a text saying, "Thanks
for the spiritual experiences and I will keep some scriptures from the Book of
Mormon in mind as I explore other churches. See you after the holidays." He just wants to see if he feels the same at
other churches as he does at ours.
On Wednesday we had to go get our car washed because we had
car inspections. We couldn't get the
bike rack off, so we had to sit around for forever to get our car hand washed
when we could have done it our selves. We
were a half hour late to interviews with President Natresse but everything
worked out ok. On Thursday, we
taught a lesson to a less active girl who was going to go on a mission but then
got offended by the Stake President. She
wanted to take her name off the records of the Church. But then at the end of the lesson, she wanted
to go on a mission again. It was a crazy
lesson and super stressful.
On Friday, well I don't remember Friday.
(From Mom – On Friday, Elder Bailey and Elder LeGrand were
at some sort of party where a member snapped a picture of you both with the
Chick-Fil-A Cow. She sent me the picture
just when I was at the hospital meeting
Zakarian Michael Bailey who had just been born.
I quickly texted back that Elder Bailey was an uncle again -- of the 20th of his nephews and nieces. That’s how Elder Bailey was able to find out
about Zak before any of his siblings.
Awesome timing!)
On Saturday, we had to leave the mission boundaries to go
to the funeral of a recent convert that helped my companion stay on his mission
when he was a greenie. That was sad for
him. We actually got lost on the 202
twice. We were frustrated and at the end
of the day we used 70-ish miles when we usually use 20 miles a day. Then we had a service project that was a
disaster. We were asked to help set up
for a festival venue thing. We were helping hot air balloon people set up
their baskets. They wanted us to come
back and help deflate the balloons later.
It was crazy packed with people. We
were wearing service clothes and our tags and we had to park on the other side
of a Mall that is kind of like City Creek. We walked through it and at the
festival thing we reviewed the situation and determined that we probably should
not have gone to this service project. We informed the other missionaries and did our
best to hide our tags so as not to look apostate as we got out of there, ASAP.
We then had another lesson with the less active girl from before.
She had gone to the Mesa Temple
Christmas Lights and got annoyed by all the Sister Missionaries. She wanted to get excommunicated again. We did our best to talk her out of it, but we
don’t know if she did or not. We saw her
again on Sunday and we just don't know.
We have 3 wards, so we went to a lot of church on Sunday. We
went to dinner then tried to meet with a family we had tracted into. It
didn't work out. Then we decided to go
to the Stake Center (right next to the Temple)
to watch the devotional. Just as we
pulled into the parking lot and get out of the car, up came these two guys on
bikes and one of them asked, "Hey, can you teach?" We said, “Yes!” So we went into the church. They explained that they had just go out of
rehab. One was trying to come back to Church
and the other was interested in learning about the Church. We taught them. The
less active guy knew his stuff and was really good help. We challenged him to baptism and he said yes. It was just a really cool experience and we will
try to meet with him again.
So that was our week.