Monday, February 23, 2015

Transfer Calls Were Today

February 15, 2015

From Elder Bailey,

          Transfer calls were today and Elder LeGrand is gone, which means I will be in this area for 7 1/2 months.  I like it, but I need, need, need to see something different!  I’m so tired of this area even though it’s a great area. 

          So, there was a 16 year old boy in one of our wards who died last Sunday night.  The funeral was Saturday.  We got a couple new investigators from it.  So what happened was that while we were out tracting on Tuesday, we knocked on this door and this lady opened the door.  We started our whole spiel at the door and she said that we had already met at a ward Christmas party.  (We just didn’t remember.)  She said her son was a friend of the boy who died and was taking it really hard.  She invited us back.  They were also good friends with one family in the ward in particular.  She had even invited them (the Beckers) to the lesson.  When we showed up, we saw them walking in, too.   That was a pleasant surprise.  She had not even told us they were invited.  And so we go in and teach the Plan of Salvation.  We were trying our best but we were not really together, but the Spirit was there.  Bro. Becker talked a lot of the time and helped with the friend part and everything we taught the mom (Jo) was like "yeah, yeah that makes sense."  That was cool, but it ran a little long and we had to end a little early.  We ran to the next lesson.  Her son even came to church the next Sunday, but she couldn’t make it.  

          In that next lesson we met with this borderline less active girl whose testimony is up and down.  She has been doing solid for a while now and we had her teach us.  She taught us what she taught her primary class about baptism and gave us expensive ties she bought for us.  Mine is a light blue skinny tie and the brand is "Penguin."  That’s a high up brand.  That was very generous of her and it looks sweet.

         Here are some pictures of us golfing on P-Day.

This week has been interesting. 

Hitting the Ground Running

February 9, 2015

Dear Elder Bailey,

          The other day we were over at the Acheson's picking up some branches to make decorations for Cami's wedding, when Aunt Barbara excitedly asked Bonnie and me to quickly come in the house.  She had just gotten pictures and an email from Elder Race's Mission President.  Race made it to France safely.  But there was something else Barbara wanted to show me.  She said she found on the Lyon France Mission Blog a picture of you with a lady she had never met.  The caption said that Sister Engle (or something like that) was standing with an Elder in Arizona who was the cousin to Elder Race Acheson who was the travel companion of her missionary going to the Lyon France Mission.  Barby looked at the picture because it mentioned Race, and then dropped her jaw!  "That's Mitchell!"  And indeed it was.  What a small world this is!  (Either you have grown a foot or two more or that lady was tiny!)


          I have been monitoring the weather where you are and we have had basically the same springtime temperatures.  Seriously, we have had such warm weather the people are going around in shirtsleeves and shorts and the flowers bulbs are starting to come up out of the ground.
This is just plain crazy.  We love the mild temperatures, but we are getting worried about not having enough snow in our mountains.  We are actually praying for snow and colder weather!

          Hope you were able to get your bike fixed.  Perhaps you should not go off the jumps and crash and damage your bike so often.  Please take care not to damage yourself and be nice to your bike!

We think of you and pray for you always!



From Elder Bailey on February 9th

          So this week was pretty boring until yesterday when Elder Legrand was sick.  I spent half the day on exchanges with Elder Kapua of New Zealand.  A less active sister told me that her husband was super sick and could possibly die in the hospital.  He has a condition called DKA or something.  Blood sugar at 300 is really high but his was at 1000 or maybe it was the insulin.  Anyway, I told her that we would go by the hospital to see him.  Then there was a recent convert that I have been working with for a long time that was getting the Melchizedek priesthood and wanted me to be a part of it.  Right after giving him the priesthood we hopped in his car and headed over to the hospital.  We found Bro. Cain in the ICU and he did not look good at all.  He is too young to be in the state he is in.  He is 37 but he looks 67.  He is so skinny he looks like he was a victim of the holocaust.  Mark, the new Melchizedek priesthood holder got to anoint and I got to give Bro. Cain the blessing.  That was cool.  

          Then we went over to where Elder Legrand was and we go in.  (I had found a copy of “The Best 2 Years” in a missionaries’ house and had previously lent it to Mark.)  When we went in to see Elder LeGrand, Mark said, "Wow!  It’s really messy in here, just like the movie."  I laughed pretty hard because I didn't live there.  Then Mark anointed Elder LeGrand and Elder Kapua gave him a blessing.  So, Mark got to hit the ground running as a new Melchizedek priesthood holder.  That was so cool. 

          On a different note, the Sue Sue family is coming up to Provo this week on Thursday or Friday. I am sending some stuff home just because I don’t need it, but I want something in return.  Can you send me some of my weights?  I want my silver dumbbells with 60 lbs on each and one barbell.
How it should be on each bar is: 
     Grey weights on both dumbbells
     and nothing on the bar unless they are willing to take more 
     and send my good bar!
It’s going to be a lot of work but get Orihah to do it, he will!