July 6th 2015
We got to sing at the beginning of the Yankees game. We were in
Center Field. Fortunately they won.
It has been so great to get pictures of you from Sister Marble.
Please send an email to me!
From Elder Bailey:
This week was very slow because of the 4th of July and everyone being out of town, but we pulled through. It also helps when your comp is “Shawn Spencer.” Elder Bowman is really funny and we get along well. Thanks for the new suit. I can now ride my bike to church without worrying about ripping my pants. Nothing else really to report this week, I'm alive..... and healthy...... Say hi to Chase for me.
July 13th, 2015
Dear Elder Bailey,
While I was on Tour, I got several pictures of you from random people in Arizona. Sister Bollinger and Sister Marble are my new best friends now. Another family sent pictures, as well, but never told me their names. Anyway, it was fun to get to know a little bit about Sister Marble. She has a sister in the Orchestra at Temple Square that I also got to know a little on tour.
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Pondering hydrating with Gator Ade |
Glad to hear that you got the suit. Hope it fits well and you like the color. I am also pleased that you get along with your new companion. I will get the flags to you as soon as I can.
Chase gave his Homecoming talk yesterday. I did not hear it because of rehearsals, but at the reception after, people told me that he gave a great talk. He looks so good. The Acheson's are off to visit family up in Washington this week. Then Chase will be looking for a job. The Stake President challenged him to go to the Temple everyday for a month. He has done pretty well on that task. And Pres. Ostergar also challenged Chase to go on a date each week for a month. He also outlined what specified a "date." It had to be where Chase actually asked the girl out to go somewhere, to do something (movie, dinner, dance, etc.), and he paid for it. No "hanging out." I think he has had at least 2 dates so far. A lot of girls came to hear his Homecoming talk, so I think he will not lack for candidates.
Elder Ronald Rasband was the General Authority onTour with us. He gave such wonderful talks to us. I will just share one thought from his remarks. When he was a mission president in New York, he reminded his missionaries of the promise in 2 Nephi 1:6 "Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy according to the workings of the Spirit which is in me, that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord." That gave the missionaries confidence.
They had the responsibility of taking the gospel into Harlem and the Bronx, two very scary places run by gangs and Mafia and populated by people who by all accounts were in impoverished circumstances. Harlem was made up almost entirely of Blacks and the Bronx had a lot of Italian and Puerto Rican immigrants.
He first gathered some of his most courageous missionaries and set up a street display in a plaza in Harlem. As they were trying to start talking to people, three big burly black guys carrying a sign with a Black Jesus on it came over to them. Elder Rasband greeted them and said, "We have not come to argue about the color of Jesus' skin. We love Him and serve Him, and just want to share the message that if all people would harken to his words, they would find true happiness." (Or words to that effect) The biggest black guy then said, "Oh..., well...., that sounds all right." And they walked away.
From that point on, the missionaries had no trouble with street contacting. That was their only means of proselyting, though. But now, 15 years later, the Church has grown to 4 wards in that area, and they have even been able to build a Church building. Amazing.
Love you,
Elder Bailey helping girl comb doll's hair |
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Leaving a Message |
From Elder Bailey:
week was slow. We worked really hard,
but this area has really slowed down. It
will get better this week. There are a
lot of young girls that want to be baptized but can’t until they are 18 in my
new area. Do you remember the Taylor’s
that use to live behind us that now live in the Second Ward? Because Brother Taylor’s parents are in
one of my wards and Brother Taylor is my Ward Mission Leader. I have a lot of connections. Not much to say about this week.
and I learned how to solve a Rubix cube.
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